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Fraternity and Sorority Life Student Development

$1,724 RAISED

Help Fraternity and Sorority Life support and inspire the next generation of student leaders.

Your gift to this project supports leadership development programs for students involved in Fraternity and Sorority Life at Radford University.  This fund helps members of our social Greek-letter fraternities and sororities explore their role as leaders and inspires them to reach their potential for impacting the campus community. This fund will bolster student growth by financially assisting students from the National Pan-Hellenic Council, the Multicultural Greek Council, and the Interfraternity Council to attend leadership conferences as well as support speakers for their Greek Leadership Summit and Mental Health Awareness Month events. 

Your gift today makes a difference all year long - help us reach our goal of $25,000 so that every leadership opportunity is afforded to our FSL community leaders. 

Donate today to help empower our Fraternity and Sorority Life students!

Alumni supporters, you are encouraged to celebrate membership in your organization by donating your organization's founding year (ex. $19.22 for 1922) or your graduation year ($19.83 for 1983).

Together we can inspire the next generation of student leaders!

Save the date for Homecoming October 19-21! 

Get more details here:

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