Selu Conservancy

$1,000 DOLLARS          9 GIFTS

Selu Conservancy

Located just minutes from Radford University’s campus, Selu Conservancy is 380 pristine acres of possibility and opportunity.  As a resource for research, recreation, or simple respite, Selu Conservancy is an invaluable asset to Radford University.  With your support we can increase the number of students accessing this unique property throughout the year.  Learn more about Selu here. 

Thank you for your generous support of Radford University, Selu Conservancy and our students!


Radford University students set Selu afire – on purpose!

On a beautiful spring afternoon, students in Radford University Professor Karen Powers’ fire ecology course set a small part of the world on fire – 8 acres, to be exact. Ten students were guided by a wealth of fire experts and safety personnel to successfully complete a prescribed burn at the university’s Selu Conservancy.

‘Restoring Appalachia’ trip follows a new path

For an alternative Spring Break, Radford University students were all set to plant trees on formerly strip-mined coalfields in central Appalachia in association with Green Forests Work (GFW), however floods in Kentucky had eroded the planned site beyond the ability to safely execute the plan.  After swift work and a partnership with Southern Appalachian Wilderness Stewards the trip was rerouted to perform trail maintenance on the Appalachian Trail. During the trip, students stayed at the Selu Conservancy and participated in team-building exercises while building their communication, leadership and problem-solving skills. Students also toured the observatory, learned about the university’s telescope and opportunities to engage in research in astronomy.

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